Romeo meetz Yulija
Is an Ukrainian-German theater project initiated
by the Goethe-Institut Ukraine
together with the public organization GOGOLFEST
and the Akademie für Theater und Digitalität in Dortmund
What is it about?
[Romeo and Juliet] by William Shakespeare is one of the most famous love stories in the world. Now also in digital format between Ukraine and Germany!

We offer a virtual online theatre event between two countries - a simultaneous performance between Mariupol (Ukraine) and Dortmund (Germany) with the participation of each 10 young actors on a virtual stage.

The teenagers play the love story between Romeo and Juliet, who come from two opposing families. Parents and friends are not allowed to know about their love: Their love must not be. Only in secret may the two meet - until Father Lorenzo marries them.

The catastrophe takes its deadly course...

[Romeo and Juliet] is a play about forbidden love and relationship that breaks all rules and removes all boundaries: boundaries of reason, boundaries of social life, boundaries of nation.

Lorenz.io in numbers


Goethe Institut
Akademie für Theater und Digitalität.

other partners

Schulen: Partner der Zukunft
Auswärtiges Amt
CCA Hotel Continental
Theater Fletch Bizzel
Junges Theater Kulturbrigaden
Mariupol TV
Mariupol City Lyceum
Mariupol City Council
Open theater

    young actors

    10 actors from two countries (Ukraine and Germany) are simultaneously involved in the performance


    20 "stages" from each of the actors are just at home, connected by a large bridges
    Digital bridge between Mariupol and Dortmund
    Digital bridge between Mariupol and Dortmund
    Behind the stage
    How the story goes digital?

    Watch on Mariupol TV channel

    Lorenz.io: Prototype
    How it started
    Young players: Kulturbrigaden from Dortmund and partner school PASCH from Mariupol not only rehearse on the "real" stage, but also use digital technology to accompany and support each other during rehearsals ...
    The first rehearsals took place from 13 to 18 October 2019 in Dortmund at the Theater Fletch Bizzel - this first "real" youth exchange was the prelude to numerous digital rehearsals between November 2019 and March 2020.
    28 April 2020
    ...was the first date on which the premiere as part of the StartUp Gogolfest should have taken place simultaneously on two stages in Dortmund and Mariupol.
    ...Quarantine has given us new conditions and opportunities!

    We decided to move the rehearsals into virtual space and to stage the premiere digitally and online!
    Project participants
    Pupils from Mariupol:
    • Veronika Pavluk
      15 years old
      I am taking part in the play because it is a new and interesting experience, I have agreed to participate to try myself in the field of theater. During rehearsals I learned a lot of useful things for myself, I stopped being ashamed of performances.
    • Olexandra Ievenko
      15 years old
      It's a new experience for me, and any experience is cool. I have agreed to participate in the project to meet new people and play the first performance of my life. Theater changes people for the better.

    • Alina Pokosenko
      16 years old
      During rehearsals, I gained a lot of new knowledge and opportunities, found friends in Ukraine and Germany, and it also helped to add confidence and added more positive life.
    • Vladislav Georgishan
      17 years old
      The rehearsals of the performance are very atmospheric and unusual. This is a new theater format for me - digital.

    • Tatiana Kapkanets
      16 years old
      In the beginning, I was interested in trying myself in the theater, learning more about acting, improving my German communication skills, finding new friends and visiting Germany. And my wishes have come true!
    • Alena Usanova
      14 years old
      I agreed to participate to know myself more, to discover new features in myself. After working on the project, I began to feel much more relaxed.
    • Olexander Dzhelomanov
      15 years old
      After participating in the performance, I realized that acting is more complex than it seems at first, but just as interesting.

    • Denis Fesenko
      17 years old
      This project is a perfect example of the power of theater: neither territorial boundaries, nor language, nor age matter when we work on a dream. I hope it will come true.
    • Vadim Sorokin
      15 years old
      I am interested in being part of the creative process. Theater is a new feeling to me. I will definitely not regret about this project.
    • Ilya Miroshnik
      18 years old
      All these shots and online meetings - I'm not used to rehearsing a play like this, but I'm incredibly fortunate to be a part of this "experiment". Theater has no boundaries - and we proved it!
    • Mykola Ivashkin
      15 years old
      I participate in the play because I have a desire to change my personality, just as actors change it by playing different roles. Now theater has become something more to me than a kind of art, and the result has brought a lot of new and unusual things into my life.
    • Sergey Vakula
      20 years old
      The quarantine situation has been an impetus for creativity for all project participants. We had a scenario, rehearsals and there was a "boom": everything should be done in a new format.

    Project participants
    Pupils from Dortmund:
    • Amelie Braun
      18 years old
      Because of the project I am not alone with my thoughts. It saves me from going crazy.
    • Freya Erdmann
      13 years old
    • Jana Blumensaat
      16 years old
      I learned a lot about Ukrainian culture through this project. The project is for me a positive change from everyday life in quarantine.
    • Marysol Schelkmann
      16 years old
      Thanks to the project I have grown even in such difficult times, and I can cope better with the current exceptional situation.
    • Mika Pavle Kuruc
      17 years old
      The project has put us to the test by the state of emergency. If you take away people's sight, then he'll start to grope.
    • Milena Roganović
      15 years old
      Because of the project I met a lot of nice people and I'm not so bored at home.
    • Nikke Wächter
      14 years old
      The project stands out from my grey, monotonous Corona everyday life.
    Our partners
    With the friendly support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany
    Director_Rada Radojcic, Anton Telbizov
    Concept_Anna Marienfeld, Rada Radojcic
    Text, Video Art, Video Editing_Anna Marienfeld

    Set Design, Costume Design and Mask_Rada Radojcic
    Music_Dixon Ra
    Playwright_Anna Marienfeld
    Shooting_Actors of Junges Theater „Kulturbrigaden", of Theatromania Mariupol, and of the Lyzeum of Mariupol
    Technical advice_Dominik Bay und Akademie für Theater und Digitalität
    Assistant to the Director (UA)_Maria Kutnyakova
    Technical Assistant (DE)_Alexander Hügel
    Project Management_Andrii Palatnyi (UA), Michael Eickhoff (DE)
    Project Coordinator_ Katharina Görig, Natalia Shymina, Oksana Karpiuk
    Project Officer PASCH_Vita Tymchenko
    Interpreter_Natalia Shelgunova, Andrii Palatnyi, Michael Eickhoff
    Interviews website_ Mykhailo Iurchenko
    Desgin website_Andrii Palatnyi, Alina Danylova
    Design_Mariia Yakovenko
    Coordinator_Victoriia Fedoriv